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Dr. Yi-Ying Zhan

TEL: 03-518-6884

E-MAIL: ichang@chu.edu.tw

OFFICE: Room I320, R&D Building

EDUCATION: Ph.D. in English Teaching, Allianz University, USA

ACADEMIC EXPERTISE: ESP Teaching, MICE Event Management, MICE Marketing, Destination Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Green MICE

experience: Assistant Professor Cheng, Bachelor of Tourism and Convention and Exhibition, Chung Hwa University Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Leisure, Gengxin Health Management College (2010/9-2012/6)

Teaching field: General English teaching, professional English for catering, professional English for tour guides, professional English for tourism, professional English for exhibitions, introduction to the exhibition industry

Research Expertise: Professional English teaching, professional English course design, situational English teaching, tourism professional English, catering professional English Author: Chang, I. Y. & Chang, W. Y. (2012). The psychological and learning impact of teaching language used in English classes on 5-year junior college students in Taiwan. Paper presented at 2011 International Conference of Organizational Innovation. (2012 ICOI, Indonesia ) ISBN 978-986-85682-6-6 Chang, W. Y. & Chang, I. Y. (2012). A Study of Students’ Learning Motivation toward an English Course for Tourism Students. Paper presented at 2011 International Conference of Organizational Innovation. (2012 ICOI, Indonesia) ISBN 978-986-85682-6-6 Chang, I. Y. & Chang, W. Y. (2012). Effects of E-Learning on Learning Performance – A Case Study on Students in Tourism Department in Taiwan. Paper presented at 2011 International Conference of Organizational Innovation. (2012 ICOI, Indonesia) ISBN 978-986-85682-6-6 Chang, I. Y. & Chang, W. Y. (2012). The Effect of Students’ Learning Motivation on Learning Satisfaction. Paper presented at 2012 International Journal of Organizational Innovation(EI). (IJOI) ISBN 1943-1813 Chang, I-Ying . (2011) The Effect of Students’ Learning Motivation on Learning Satisfaction. Paper Presented at 2011 International Conference of Organizational Innovation. (2011 ICOI, Malaysia ) ISBN-978-986-865682-5-9 Chang, I-Ying. (2010). A Plan of Needs Analysis for Taiwanese Hotel Employees’ English for Special Program. Paper Paper presented at 2010 International Conference on ESP of Department of Applied English ,Kainan University. Chang, I-Ying. (2010).An Illuminative Evaluation of the Wu-Fu English Village in Southern Taiwan : The Point View of the English Teacher . Paper presented at 2010 International Conference of Organizational Innovation. (2010 ICOI, Thailand ) ISBN-978986865682-2-8 Chang, I. Y. & Chang, W. Y. (2008). The Relationship between L2 Language Proficiency and the Acquisition of Pragmatics. Paper presented at 2008 Second Language Acquisition Student Conference, Alliant International University, San Diego Campus, California.

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